Once again Rinpoche proved me wrong. I thought we would loose our shirts offering a teaching-only program (no empowerment ceremonies) for two and a half days. These events are quite expensive to put on, hosting three lamas, airfare, rent and so on--the budget is mind-boggling sometimes. I didn't think the topic would attract all that many people. Boy, was I wrong on all counts. I didn't do registration, but I am certain we must have at least broken even.
Rinpoche met with us afterwards, and said we students would eventually write Dharma-related books, and he would check them for accuracy. He told us in the group that we could have a (big) center like the Shambhala Center, and reiterated this to me again in private--saying we would have a center like that. I said "Do you really think that?" and he said emphatically yes he did. Something about a turning wheel or circle would increase power more and more. He is very impressed with our lack of pride (that means humility) in our California group. He tells other groups this--it could really go to our heads!
Well, it's time to hit the sack. Guess where I am going tomorrow. Another teaching retreat? You betcha. Tomorrow I leave for the Lotus Land of Pure Light.
Which dharma-related scriptures are you hoping to transcribe and how would you access the source material?
Also, who would have access to the material? Would empowerment be required?
It's a text related to a protector, that Dudjom Rinpoche collected. I am translating it for a lama so he can teach it. There are a large number of practice prerequisites, but no empowerment required. Text will be given to the lama for appropriate mantrikas who can't read Tibetan.
Very interesting. Many thanks for clarifying this.
I have been carefully reading a book by Rigdzin Shikpo, which I have found to be very inspiring. Well....more than inspiring!
If you feel it is appropriate, please could you keep me informed about the progress of the translation of the text you mention.
Is there anyone you know who can clearly explain the practice prerequisites?
Email me at yudron@gmail.com.
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