Monday, November 24, 2008
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From Sausal Creek to other universes and back. The story of the meanderings of an Oakland Dharma practitioner, her periodic seclusions in the riparian corridor of this urban creek, and wanderings both mental and actual.
Regarding Namdrol’s bullying lies:
1- I AM NOT Henrieta nor do I remember even having read his/her posts! Further, the only Tibetans I have criticized have been Kelsang Gyatso and his pal Gangchen whom I see not as lamas but pathetic maras. ChNNR I see not as ‘a remarkable man’ in Namdrol’s words but as a vast ocean of light, a great Buddha and a genuine great tulku. Ironically I defended him against adamantine who placed him alongside aro/flaming jewel which is why he attacks me in coordination with Namdrol. How do I see HH Dalai Lama? A combination of three major Buddhas. Beyond words or imagination. Insulted by Namdrol’s ally here, adamantine’s friend the flaming jewel. They are too ignorant to see that I don’t change my tone and reply to their questions honestly because I chose not to be deceitful. Rejection of which does not mean one is stupid, showing their morality! So Henrietta is more akin to Namdrol, Sunsimao and adamantine and a complete antithesis to me. But Namdrol and Sunsimao lie often.
2- After a period of being away I couldn’t get back into my account, thanks Todd, and once I opened another account I was asked by Todd to which I replied and further advised him to get a Mo divination about being a moderator. Which is when his vendetta began. I never saw other mods needing a Mo! I was not double nicking. More lies.
3- Irony 3: Sunsimao falsely accuses me of being Henrietta. But in fact Chris is notorious for his long threads on attacking a major recent Terton! And Namdrol did attack him too despite his denial and it was Sunsimao who once quoted hearing his close friend Namdrol use foul words about him and how he passed away!
4- Sunsimao has also been insulting major Nyingma figures accusing them of dealing and wheeling in tulku titles for cash. As we all have seen supported by his personal wine buddies Todd and Namdrol. Again unlike them I will not name in public but we all have read those ‘protected public posts’ so many times and they’re still there. Amazing hypocrisy heaped upon lies.
5- However Namdrol’s playing dead and self victimizing regarding a term used in a PM when he uttered much worse is hilarious considering how he allows such hellish posts by his friends whom he fed according to Sunsimao’s own words. Yet he uses all the admin privileges in unfair debate, changing his posts, deleting, banning, warning, double standards and more. Recently he even bullied the academic Crow away by talking to him harshly and threatening to delete his posts. All because Crow said he is mixing levels and systems and making basic errors. There is a long list of others who went away too. Now he claims he is being bullied! THREAD CLOSED!
6- Namdrol agreed with a major NKT poster (e-sangha rules? What hypocrisy) who is one of their leaders on the web and wiki in calling Rime ‘ecclectic’! No. The systems are not jumbled and mixed up but each taught in it’s own form. It is Namdrol’s novel dharma that is "eccelectic"!
7- Lies: Dzogchenpas do not say Dzogchen is the highest in our system but in this world system. They do not put down other systems and do tell those believers to continue in their own paths. No Nyingma ‘chauvinism’ ‘superiority’ etc. as Namdrol misrepresents or mixes up!
8- The question is not the many minor tullkus. Not only he dismisses openly the claims of HH Dalai Lama and Karmapa about being the great Fifth and HHK16th when asked, twice now, but he also dismisses the major Khyentses, Sakya and Nyingma, born in the 20th century. But he doesn’t stop there. If you read the old newsgroups, apart from attacking lamas, he even claims the status of the Great Khyentse Wangpo as Jigmed Lingpa was ‘heaped’ upon him due to expedience! This despite the recollections of Khyentse himself and Kongtrul as well as their Termas and the messages Chogyur Lingpa relayed to them regarding their past lives and current duties and remedies directly in meetings with Guru Rinpoche. Namdrol knows all these basics but like so much he dismisses. He goes on to say how he got these non-mainstream opinions! These opinions are not mainstream Sakyapa but an unacceptable minority.
9- He claims in his recent post the teachings of his Dzogchen masters regarding Dzogchen (Mahamudra being equivalent to Dzogchen Semde) being supreme and beyond cause and effect and Garab Dorje and Manjushrimitra’s debate and conclusion which are fundamental to Dzogchen as ‘propaganda’. Did he say that to KDL, Jigmed Phuntsog and ChNNR? Or does he just tell the world?
10- Namdrol also attacked other major rinpoches in the old newsgroups which are still there and opposed HHDL on the Karmapa issue! They are still there. More fake denials.
See how the tables turn when a tinpot dictator does not prevent both sides to be heard? There is more but let’s leave it there and hope for an end to eclectic novel forms of mutant ungrateful sectarianism.
Humbly yours
Sarva Mangalam
I see there is some turbulence over the cascades. For my other readers, lee is posting about recent events on the e-sangha forum.
I heard Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche do a public talk in Santa Barbara this summer, an intro to Buddhism. Near the end he said (something like) all of Buddhism could possibly be summarized into three words. "No big deal."
Whether we look at the world as samsara, or deities and mandalas, or as the radiance of rigpa... phenomena are truly no big deal. E-sangha is a phenomenon--an opportunity for us to apply our practice off the cushion.
The Nyingma/Nyingthig tradition does not need defending. Our Dzogchen masters would just laugh at these things, and chastise us for wasting our time on-line. The defense of the Heart Essence is to be the Heart Essence.
Let's really practice, Lee--completely accomplish the path.
Couldn't agree more Turquoise Torch. I have been smiling and keeping my sense of humor all along and I always see ALL as Buddha natured and more, inseparable form the mandala. My only wish has been to stop people falling off taking others with them and I think that is done now. As for the need to do more practice and so little time, also how true.
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